Our company has been a medical goods distribution champion for about 10 years, based in Moscow, Russia.
We are sourcing products from several manufacturers in Asia and Europe and delivering to distribution networks or directly to hospitals.
We provide the following services and can become
your BEST PARTNER for:
«We are pleased to WELCOME YOU to the website of M. Schilling Medical Products Rus. In the Russian market of disposable medical products our company offers a wide range of products and consumables in the following areas: anesthesiology and intensive care, infusion therapy, surgery, urology, gastroenterology and respiratory therapy.
In the production of medical devices we are guided by the principle of optimal ratio of product quality and pricing, in accordance with international standards and regulatory requirements of safety control and efficiency of products.
Our goal is to research and develop the market for innovative products and new areas of medicine, to carry out current medical inquiries and to provide a high level of service to each Customer.
We build interaction with the Customer based on mutual goals, mutual support and respect, which together with a system of flexible logistics, in-depth knowledge of the regulatory framework and planning of a cost-effective supply chain together with our partners allows us to receive a response and the deserved trust of our Customers.
We invite all interested parties to mutually beneficial cooperation.
We will consider any of your proposals on the optimal scheme of interaction to expand joint business opportunities and the development of fruitful partnerships.»
«We are pleased to WELCOME YOU to the website of M. Schilling Medical Products Rus. In the Russian market of disposable medical products our company offers a wide range of products and consumables in the following areas: anesthesiology and intensive care, infusion therapy, surgery, urology, gastroenterology and respiratory therapy.
In the production of medical devices we are guided by the principle of optimal ratio of product quality and pricing, in accordance with international standards and regulatory requirements of safety control and efficiency of products.
Our goal is to research and develop the market for innovative products and new areas of medicine, to carry out current medical inquiries and to provide a high level of service to each Customer.
We build interaction with the Customer based on mutual goals, mutual support and respect, which together with a system of flexible logistics, in-depth knowledge of the regulatory framework and planning of a cost-effective supply chain together with our partners allows us to receive a response and the deserved trust of our Customers.
We invite all interested parties to mutually beneficial cooperation.
We will consider any of your proposals on the optimal scheme of interaction to expand joint business opportunities and the development of fruitful partnerships.»
Surgery, anesthesiology and resuscitation, infusion therapy, urology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, pediatrics
Devices for infusion solutions
Respiratory therapy
Infusion therapy
Infusion therapy
Anesthesiology and resuscitation
Surgery, anesthesiology and resuscitation, infusion therapy, urology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, pediatrics
Devices for infusion solutions
Respiratory therapy
Infusion therapy
Infusion therapy
Anesthesiology and resuscitation
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